Movie Evening: Sun Alley
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Our latest movie evening features one of Germany’s most successful homegrown productions in years. Leander Haußmann sets out to prove that the children of the Berlin Wall had more on their mind than politics in this bittersweet coming-of-age film, set about a decade before the wall was dismantled. The teens live along “Sun Alley,” a street split in two by a checkpoint between East and West Berlin, and they occasionally talk of starting a resistance movement. Their revolutionary dreams are quickly forgotten, however, in favour of listening to Rolling Stones records, dealing with romantic problems and family dramas.
More info here.
Germany (1999) 86 min. Comedy/Drama/Romance.
Language: German with English subtitles
Venue: Labia on Orange, 68 Orange Street, Gardens
Time: Friday, 1st November at 6:15pm
Tickets: R45
Bookings: 021-424 59 27